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Often, clients arrive assuming the only therapy for them is massage. However, we offer many different therapies to target specific ailments and to best meet the highly individualised needs of clients.

Take a look at the wide range of Therapies we offer at the Centre for Health and Wellbeing.

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dealing with a breakup centre for health wellbeing

Dealing With A Breakup

People don’t always say “I love you”. Sometimes it is said more like, “did you eat?”, “call me when you get home.”, or “be safe”. Sometimes people snap back, shout, huff, refuse to work as a team. Or more serious problems come up with trust betrayed or major relationship challenges…. [Read More]

male suicide in northern ireland prevention

Male Suicide in Northern Ireland

Male suicide is a big mental health issue in Northern Ireland. But let’s stop calling it mental health. It’s health. Your brain is the biggest organ in the body and of course, it can crash.  It’s the gift that keeps on giving.  Hands up if the doubts and fears in… [Read More]